Vision & Mision

Akhil Bharat Hindu Maha Sabha is one of the oldest organizations of India that is bharat as it was formed in 1907.Eminent Hindu leaders extended this Organization in 1915 on ALL India basis. Hindu Mahasabha is a hindusangathan movement and politics of hindutva . Hindu Mahasabha is a non-secular party, established for safeguarding issues of Hindus.

The Eminent personalities who founded this Organisation and who presided over the ALL INDIA Sessions held are: Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, Swami Sharadhanand ,Shankaracharya Dr Kurtkoti , N.C.Kelkar , Lal Lajpat Rai , Raja Narendranath , Ramanand Chatterjee , Vijayaraghavacharya, Bai Parmanand, Bhikustootama, Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Dr B. S.Moonje, Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Dr N.B.Khare, N.C.Chaterjee, Prof V.G.Deshpande, N.N.Banerjee.Vikram Savarkar, Balarao Savarkar.This party was also represented in Parliament by noted Parliamentarians like Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Prof V.G.Deshpande, N.C.Chaterjee, Dr N.B.Khare, Bhishanchand Seth, Mahant Digvijaynath Pandit Brij Narayan Brijesh, SMT Shakuntala Nayar. In freedom struggle some personalities of this party where prosecuted by British, sentenced to death, sentenced and send to Andaman’s, Among them where Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Babarao Damodar Savarkar, Bhai Parmanand, Ashutosh Lahiri and Baba Madan Singh Goga.Several revolutionaries where active members.

The graph of a Political Party is bound to vary as per a times. For sometimes in past Dr.Rajendra Prasad, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Jairamdas Daulatram, S.K.Patil, M.R.Jaykar, Dr. Chotiram Gidwani, Meherchand Khanna and several other Congress Leaders were actively associated with Hindu Mahasabha, and where office bearers. In 1926 Shri Vitthalbhai Patel and Motilal Nehru had attended the session at Calcutta (Kolkatta). In the 1925 election to Provincial Legislatures nationalists supported by Hindu Mahasabha were elected in Sindh, Bengal, Punjab, C.P (Central Province)& U.P (Uttar Pradesh) including personalities like Lal Lajpat Rai. In Punjab, Dr B.S.Moonge in C.P and Shri G.D.Birla in U.P, In 1935 Elections the Congress Nationalist Party supported by Hindu Mahasabha secured 13 seats for the Central Assembly as against 44 of the Congress party.Shri J.P.Shrivastav and Dr. N.B.Khare were members of the Executive Council of the Viceroy as representatives of Hindu Mahasabha. Dr B.S.Moonje had represented Hindu Mahasabha in the Round Table Conference, Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was working as a Minister For Industry in the Nehru Cabinet on Behalf of the Hindu Mahasabha. Such is the Political and the Election Graph of the Hindu Mahasabha.In 1944 at Bilaspur Session of ALL India Hindu Mahasabha under the Presidentship of Dr. Shayama Parsed Mukherjee a model Constitution of India was adopted similar to the present Constitution so far as the salient features are concerned.
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